1731 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV

(702) 517-5145

Status: 1 Star Motel


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This hotel was built in the early 1950’s when Las Vegas was just beginning to be seen as a tourist destination. This is also when the city was controlled by the mob.

When the motel was first opened it was called Em-Le Hotel – which seems to be used by another motel in the city today – but the name was changed to Oasis in one of the many changes of ownerships. The motel has – for lack of better word – a very sordid past filled with criminal activity. It was even closed down in 2012 after being identified as an illegal brothel.

There is some disagreement as to whether the motel is currently closed or open. It does not have its own website and the main accommodation websites are about half and half in stating its open or closed.


Paranormal Activity

The motel has had 2 famous people die in it – in the same room only months apart (Room 20)

Stu Ungar was a professional gambler – and possibly the best poker player in the world – who started gambling at a very young age. In 1979 he came to Vegas and supported himself by gambling – even winning 2 World Series of Poker Tournaments – and developed a serious drug addiction. He was also heavily involved with the mob.

By the time of his death in Room 20 of the motel – probably brought on by heavy drug use over a long period of time – it is said he was hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and reduced to moving from one cheap motel room to another in the city.

David Strickland was minor actor with his only remembered part as that of a reporter on the sitcom Suddenly Susan. He was struggling with addictions to drugs and alcohol as well as being bipolar.

After a night of partying – and off his lithium – tragically David would use his bed sheet to hang himself. He had checked into the Oasis Motel and took – you guessed it – Room 20.

Room 20 has been famous for its paranormal activity since these 2 deaths including: apparitions of the 2 men playing out their final minutes in a residual type haunting; objects moving on their own including lights flickering and taps turning on and off on their own; light anomalies; cold spots and feelings of not being alone and not being wanted.  There is also a reported heavy feeling of sadness and depression in the room.

But what if the Oasis is really closed? You ask. Then there are many reports of ghosts being seen and sensed around the hotel outside of the rooms as well.

Most believe they are related to the 5 deaths from people who jumped from the Stratosphere Tower in the early 2000’s. The Tower is less than a mile from the Oasis. Of course, Vegas was once known as the suicide capital of America so its not necessarily the ones related to the Tower who haunt the grounds of the Oasis.

Then there’s the so-called seedy criminal past of the Motel which isn’t explained and probably involved homicides, suicides and “accidents”.